"Let go of what you cannot accept and accept what you do not want to let go" Put yoga into your life and come join us."
"We find life only in the present moment."
"Yoga personally offers me an endless opportunity to grow, through yoga I learn to take life with foresight, humility and smile."
"It is said that yoga comes to life at the most opportune moment. And it came to me as soon as I felt that the dynamic lessons were starting to take a lot of energy from me. "
"Yoga has opened my heart and mind. My mind and body are more flexible. I'm healthier, calmer and happier. It makes me happy and I am honored to be able to share yoga and my experience."
"Yoga taught me a lot."
"Once we can respect each other, we'll be better doing so with everyone else."
"Yoga taught me to free myself from everyday worries. Thanks to yoga, I am calmer and I can breathe more freely. I believe that you will leave my lessons with the same feeling.”
"The yoga mat is a place where the past or the future doesn't matter. It's just a space for 'HERE AND NOW'.
"Yoga teaches me listening and perceiving the whole body and gives me the space to fully experience every moment here and now, both with humility and love for oneself and the world around me."
"I don't see yoga only as a physical exercise, but a certain way of life, a philosophy of life. I am on a path of personal development that moves me forward and I also offer this opportunity to clients."
"I am very grateful for the asanas and this mental and self-cognitive transcendence beyond the yoga mat..."
"Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you." Love and respect for others and especially for yourself. That is what I agree with and what yoga constantly teaches me...
"Everything you seek, you will find in your heart. It is your light, the only one and right one."
"Doing the thing we're afraid of is the first step to success." Gandhi
"The ability to stand firmly on the ground, with an open heart and mind."
"Try to change the world with your smile and never let the world change your smile."
"The greatest gift you can give yourself is to realize who you are and to stop trying to be someone else."
"I believe that practicing yoga gradually straightens and heals the spine and with it the posture and it changes the perception of oneself and the perception of the world around us."
"Close your eyes, open your mind, listen to your body, feel calm. All of this teaches me yoga on its incredibly beautiful journey."
"If you think you can do it, you're right. If you think you can't do it, you're right."
"In my lessons, I will try to make yoga as good of a friend as it is to me, so you can leave them satisfied and full of inner harmony."
"Yoga has always appeared in my life in various forms, in every feeling of breath, tension of the calf, capture of an idea in the mind..."
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible… “ The Dalai Lama
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." Buddha
"Yoga is a path for me that shows me through practice the importance of anchoring ourselves."
"Simplicity is an advanced lesson." Sri Chinmoy
"To be here and now, to be love and compassion, to be joy and gratitude ..."
"Yoga helps me get back to myself. That's the best place I can be."
"Yoga connects what is to be connected."
"Let us not use the body to know asanas. Let's use asanas to get to know the body ”… and not just the body :)
"You yourself, like anyone else in the universe, deserve your love and affection." Mahatma Gandhi
"Yoga is not the key to happiness. Yoga can help us find this key that is hidden deep in each of us."
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear..."
"Yoga is the journey of the Self, through the Self, to the Self" The Bhagavad Gita
"Yoga is with me at all times and accompanies me on my journey through life."
"Yoga is a wonderful dance for me, where the mind, body and soul dance together in breathtaking harmony."
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