Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Ashtanga vinyasa yoga - led lesson

We teach the first series of Ashtanga vinyasa yoga. The lesson is led by a teacher. It is characterized by a dynamic connection of breath and smooth transitions between positions. The endurance in the asanas is usually five breaths and then it moves smoothly to the next asana.

Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is a system of fluent positions (asanas) that we practice in a certain order. This can lead us to our fulfillment, to our full potential at all levels of consciousness. An important part is proper breathing (deep breathing of Ujjaya), position (asanas), energy locks (bandhas) and the direction of our gaze (dristi).

Ashtanga yoga has its origins in the ancient text that Krishnamacharya obtained from his guru Sri Ramamohana Brahmachari. This work is considered the original text about asanas (physical positions) - hatha yoga. Krishnamacharya later passed this type of yoga to his student Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. He taught several major teachers such as his son T. K. V. Desikachar, B. K. S. Iyengar and S. K. P. Joise. The most popular types of yoga developed today from them, and only Pattabhi Jois is said to teach exactly what he learned from his guru - ashtanga yoga (raja yoga).

The ashtanga system consists of three series. The first series (yoga chikitsa) detoxifies and balances the body. The second series (Nadi Shodana) cleanses the nervous system by opening and releasing energy pathways. The third series A, B, C, and D (Shtira Baga) requires strength and charm in practice, representing a higher level of physical flexibility and strength. Patthabi Jois always said, "Ashtanga is about breathing, the rest is just bending." Breathe and enjoy yoga. During the workout, relax and leave with ease, intoxicated with a good mood and equipped with energy. Breath is the key to the realm of calm and energy with which we can regulate and control our nervous system. It represents the connection between our body and mind, between meditation and exercise.


Ashtanga Mysore

Mysore-style Ashtanga vinyasa yoga offers a lesson where you do your own practice with your own breath and in the presence of a teacher. Sharing experience, helping with positions and recommending options for everyone individually is the work of a teacher who will help you with the lesson. For beginners, we have prepared a "cheat sheet" of the first series, which you can have in front of your yoga mat until you practice enough to remember it. Traditionally, this is the oldest way to pass on the teachings of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. From teacher to student.

Few rules of Mysore lesson:

Don't be afraid or nervous you will not know the series perfectly,

that you don't know the transitions and you don't know this and that position. The teacher is there for you and will be happy to advise and help you. In the first lesson, you can more or less observe the surroundings, look at other students and observe the teacher's work. Then you can start learning the breath of Ujjaya, Bandha (energetic locks) and Drishta (directions of gaze). It is an independent study, which is the most beautiful in its independence. You will learn to listen to yourself.

Follow your feelings, do not overestimate yourself, do not compete and do not overstrain your body.

An unnecessarily fast journey can be painful. Rather be gentle, with respect to your body. The result will be much higher quality. The main goal of the lesson is to focus on breath, bandhas and gaze.

Wait for teacher's assistance. ​

If you want help in asana, sit or stand still in an unfinished position and wait for the teacher. It doesn't hurt to take a few extra breaths, it teaches us respect for teaching, teacher and other students. We do not make Vinyasa between positions where the right and left foot alternate.

Fully focus on your own practice.

Focus on your breath, bandhas, dristha. Do not talk to other students about what you are doing or what asana follows. Wait for teacher. Do no talk to the teacher when he helps you, nor thank you is needed. When it comes to speaking, it's usually explanation of the practice for new students.

After completing your lesson, leave quietly

Once you have completed your practice, after Shavasana, be considerate and leave the hall in silence.

If you need to leave a mysore lesson early

tell your teacher before the lesson.

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